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By using our diet planner, you can save Money and the Environment
Check your weekly diet plan here!

Step 1: Calculate your recommended calorie intake per day!

What is my recommended calorie intake? Why do I need to know?
It's simply how much you need to eat a day. With this estimate, you can plan your meals better and return more empty plates! This estimate depends on gender, age, height, weight and level of physical activity. You can save your data for even more convenience! To find out more about the formulas used, click here

Forms labelled with * are required fields

Please provide us with your gender. *

Please provide us with your age. *

Please provide us with your height. *

Please provide us with your weight. *

How would you gauge your level of physical activity? *



  Save my profile

Your recommended daily calorie intake is: ______ kcal

How many meals do you have a day?  

An average of ______ kcal per meal would be great!

Note: The average is calculated to help you estimate the amount of kilocalories you should have per meal. This will not affect your search results for meals. The search results will still be according to your search criteria below.

Step 2: See available meal options!

Meals which best match your search criteria ():

Dish         Calories     Price      Stall       Place   
No dishes displayed yet

Other meals you can consider ():

Dish         Calories      Price      Stall      Place   
No dishes displayed yet